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Official program
Dr Ewa Dąbrowska®'s diets
available in the application and website
Certified dietitian
on your phone. Enjoy a diet without counting calories and without doubt
Nie tracisz czasu na codzienne zastanawianie się, które produkty są dozwolone, a które nie.
Bez wychodzenia z domu masz wsparcie zespołu dietetyków certyfikowanych przez Instytut Promocji Zdrowia dr Ewy Dąbrowskiej®.
Nie musisz się zastanawiać, czy robisz wszystko dobrze lub szukać odpowiedzi w internecie – po prostu korzystasz z aplikacji.
Scientifically proven action
slimming and over 30 years of tradition
The operation of dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet has already helped thousands of people
For over three decades, Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska has been actively developing and improving her diet. Based on her experience, numerous books and publications, thousands of people have changed their lives for the better
Nagroda Nobla dla Yoshinori
Ohsumi za pracę nad
procesem autofagii
Yoshinori Ohsumi confirmed the existence of the process of autophagy, which Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska has observed for years in her patients - the human body has the ability to self-clean and regenerate damaged cells.
Exchange of ingredients and recipes
Delicious recipes
Shopping list
Natural cleansing of the body
Measurement tracking
Useful tips
Czas uruchomić spalanie
tłuszczu trzewnego
Dlaczego to takie istotne?
There are two types of fat in the human body: subcutaneous and visceral fat. Visceral fat, also called abdominal fat, surrounds and protects internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. Bad eating habits very often lead, however, to excessive growth of visceral fat, which creates dangerous situations for health: an increased risk of civilization diseases or hormonal disorders.
For slimming to bring long-term effects, you must start burning visceral fat in the body. This is possible thanks to an individually tailored diet containing fruit and vegetable fasting.
Now you can easily draw on her knowledge and easily achieve your goal!
Teraz bez przeszkód możesz czerpać z jej wiedzy
i w prosty sposób osiągnąć swój cel!
Start Dr. Dąbrowska's diet
Access for 30 days
The official diet of dr Ewa Dąbrowska
Care of dietitians certified by the Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska Institute
4 stages of diet
Access via the website and phone application
Access for 90 days
The official diet of dr Ewa Dąbrowska
Care of dietitians certified by the Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska Institute
4 stages of diet
Access via the website and phone application
Access for 365 days
The official diet of dr Ewa Dąbrowska
Care of dietitians certified by the Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska Institute
4 stages of diet
Access via the website and phone application