The author of this paper, Ewa Dąbrowska, M.D., Ph.D., is one of the very few doctors in Poland who have come to understand that the main cause of common and diverse degenerative diseases (also called “diseases of affluence”) is long-term overfeeding and improper nutrition in general; that the only truly effective, causal drug in this case will be a fasting or semi-fasting diet, which in its various forms is also called fasting.Medicinal fasting has been known and used in medicine since ancient times and it was not until the 19th century that the rapid development of chemotherapy led to their abandonment, with the rapid spread of pharmaceutical drugs which, while removing only the symptoms, do not affect the very essence of the disease, yet often additionally poison the organism.
Save the Body and Soul with Nutrition

Dieta dr Ewy Dąbrowskiej®: Fenomen samouzdrawiającego się organizmu. Jak odwrócić cukrzycę, miażdżycę, nadciśnienie i otyłość.
Fenomen samouzdrawiającego się organizmu. Jak odwrócić cukrzycę, miażdżycę, nadciśnienie i otyłość.Niniejsza książka przedstawia własne doświadczenia z dietą
Dieta dr Ewy Dąbrowskiej®: Fenomen samouzdrawiającego się organizmu. Jak działa post warzywno-owocowy
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Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska’s Diet®: The phenomenon of the self-healing body. How does the vegetable and fruit fasting work?
Everything you need to know aboutDr. Ewa Dąbrowska's dietA quarter of a century has passed
Save the Body and Soul with Nutrition
The author of this paper, Ewa Dąbrowska, M.D., Ph.D., is one of the very few
Dieta dr Ewy Dąbrowskiej® w Niepłodności
Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo WAMData premiery: 2022-06-15 Dieta wspomagająca płodność kobiet i mężczyzn Niepłodność – za tym