
About the Institute for Health Promotion

"Let food be your medicine" - Hippocrates

How did it start?

The establishment of the Ewa Dąbrowska Institute of Health Promotion in 2018 as a training and research institution was the culmination of the dreams of the author of the vegetable and fruit diet. For years, the experience gained with the vegetable and fruit diet, which is essentially a variety of fasting, can now go out into the world and serve many people to regain health.

In the case of a fruit and vegetable diet, the medicine is neither pills nor surgery, but food, according to the words of Hippocrates: "let food be your medicine", and the effects can often be compared to "surgery without a knife".
Diet treatment is a simple, cheap and, above all, free of side effects, which you can do yourself at home.

Our many years of experience have confirmed us in the belief that the vegetable and fruit diet restores health, which involves the need to modify existing treatment, under the supervision of an experienced doctor or dietitian, and you should also change your eating habits permanently. Nowadays, there is a need for many health promoters to change public awareness into a healthy lifestyle.

We are aware of how difficult this task is without proper education and practice, therefore, the urgent need is training and not only doctors and nutritionists, but also farmers and all people interested in restoring health by supporting fasting the natural, self-healing mechanisms of the body.

The mission of the Institute is to promote posts based on the experience of Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska by:

training that will convince the public that there is a causal relationship between our daily nutrition and illness, and that nutrition (especially fasting) has a powerful impact on health; we can cause diseases and cure them by nutrition;

building a network of certified centers, restaurants and catering services running a diet, in accordance with Dr. Ewa's diet guidelines

conducting scientific-research and journalistic activity in the field of the impact of caloric restrictions on human health.

Dr Ewa Dąbrowska

Diet author

Ewa Dąbrowska is a senior woman of the vegetable and fruit diet, a long-time employee of the Medical University of Gdańsk, where she worked until 1999 as an adjunct in the Department of Internal Medicine. At that time, she conducted medical, didactic and scientific activities. She researched in the field of immunology, obtaining in 1978 a PhD in medical sciences. Since the nineties of the twentieth century, he has been developing a fruit and vegetable diet as a method supporting treatment.

In 1992, she prepared the paper The Importance of Immunological Disorders in Late Cutaneous Porphyria, which was to form the basis of the habilitation dissertation. There was no public defense because the conclusions she reached redirected her research interests to the hitherto underestimated, though priority role of nutrition in the treatment of civilization diseases. The result of this research was the development of an innovative fruit and vegetable diet - detoxifying and supporting the body's self-healing mechanisms. Dr. Kinga Wiśniewska-Roszkowska's publications on health hunger strikes became the inspiration.

The original version of Dr. Dąbrowska's diet was a monodiet, which consisted of periodically eating only grated carrots and drinking water. Observing patients during this type of fasting, she drew attention to the simultaneous disappearance of various disease syndromes, and not one disease, as was the case with traditional treatment. She understood that such a fast could unimaginably activate her own self-healing potential of the body. This phenomenal discovery intrigued the author and made her decide to put her experience into practice. On her initiative, the fruit and vegetable diet was introduced in the form of health holidays in holiday centers, and the first of them was established in 1994.

Over time, it turned out that this method rescued the sick, even in cases where traditional medicine was not able to help. Seeing the dynamic development of the fruit and vegetable diet, there was a need for training: doctors, dietitians, farmers and people interested in this field, and therefore another initiative was the establishment of Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska's Institute for Health Promotion in 2018.

Ewa Dąbrowska is the author of 50 scientific papers, over 100 scientific reports, and popular science books: "Restore health by nutrition", "Body and spirit to save by nutrition", "Fruit and vegetable diet and body harmony".

Her husband Wojciech Dąbrowski, an electronics engineer by profession, is a well-known traveler, author of the book On 7 continents published in 2008. The traveler's notebook (http://www.kontynenty.net/), they have two sons.


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