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Don't know how to start?
People encountering the issue of Vegetable and fruit fasts for the first time often ask this question. The first assumption we need to "encode" is that Post is a type of renunciation and involves the abandonment of some previous habits. For some of you this may be a kind of shock. To meet our expectations, the Institute has started cooperation with centers and catering services where such treatment can be carried out under the guidance of experienced staff. We place great emphasis on the correctness of the composition of the meals served, as well as the organization of classes and lectures presenting the idea of this method. Staying under the care of experienced staff, you have the guarantee of fasting in accordance with its rules. Many people, convinced of this form of rest, introduce stays with the diet of Dr. Dąbrowska as a permanent item on their calendar. Based on such a ready solution, we can forget about the whole organization and devote ourselves to rest, reset stress and go home in great shape. We cordially invite you to take advantage of this form of rest.
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Live healthy!
Establishment of Dr. Ewa's Institute for Health Promotion in 2018 Dąbrowska, as a training and research institution, there was the culmination of the author's dreams of vegetable and fruit diet.
Years of experience gained with the vegetable and fruit diet, which in essence is a type of fasting, they can now come out into the world and serve many people to regain health.
Diabetic who, despite taking high doses of Insulin (up to 90 U), had constantly high sugar levels, on the order of 350 mg / dl, also suffered from diabetic polyneuropathy manifested by severe leg pain, which he compared with pouring boiling water on his legs. Unbelievable pain persisted, and any attempt to increase the Insulin dose was unsuccessful. Despite the suggestions of doctors and specialists, he did not agree to the proposal of amputation of the legs, and at his own risk and with full awareness he used the vegetable and fruit diet, the last resort. After a 5-week diet, he lost 13 kg, sugar levels normalized, and leg pain completely disappeared. The patient is on a diet consisting of products with low glycemic indexes, does not require taking insulin, and although several years have passed, he feels very good. The fruit and vegetable diet changed his life.
30 years old man
Has been taking insulin for 6 years, has critically narrowed coronary arteries (90-95%). After walking a few dozen meters, he bruises, feels shortness of breath and severe sternal pain, which does not subside with Nitroglycerin. He did not agree to by-pass and used a six-week vegetable and fruit diet, which he repeated twice a year. He changed his eating habits, so he rejected: sugar, flour, starch, and increased the consumption of vegetables and fruit, introduced him one day a week under the sign of a vegetable and fruit diet. All these activities have caused that the tenth year of his fitness is over. He doesn't need insulin and his test results are good enough for him to return to work.
Diabetic patient
In the absence of treatment effects, doctors concluded that the patient would move with a wheelchair. He did not accept the state he was in, he sought other treatments. After applying the diet for several weeks, all complaints resolved. He changed nutrition to healthy and he felt good. After 13 years, he decided that he was completely cured and returned to his old way of eating: eating cake, pizza, meat. In a short time his condition worsened, and all the initial symptoms of his disease returned: pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints occurred; began to move with the help of crutches. After re-applying the diet for a period of 6 weeks and rejecting intolerant foods (gluten and yeast), all complaints subsided. He is currently a thirty-year-old man, he feels good, adheres to a healthy diet, is fully functional.
A fifteen-year-old boy with severe pain and exudation in the knee joint in the course of rheumatoid arthritis
For 3 years she was in a wheelchair due to four-limb paralysis, she could not speak (gibberish), and all attempts at treatment were ineffective. Also, an attempt to start a fruit and vegetable diet did not give the expected results. When we did the food intolerance test, it turned out that her body produces antibodies to most vegetables, as well as to gluten and yeast. We understood that the likely reason for the lack of dietary effects could have been these intolerances and that they had to be eliminated. After periodic fasting and gradual incorporation of those vegetables that were tolerated, there was an improvement; after 2 months, paralysis as well as balance, speech and nystagmus disorders began to subside. High levels of the hormone prolactin normalized, which was associated with the cyst resolution in the breast. It has now been 11 years, as the woman is completely fit. For 2 years she has been on a diet consisting only of vegetables, because other foods cause her disease to come back. He feels good, works professionally, drives a car and, although he feeds only on vegetables, has a normal body weight.
A woman aged 38 with multiple sclerosis
Ten years ago, left hand and leg paralysis occurred in the course of thrombosis of two intracerebral arteries. Leaning on the ball, she barely pulled her still leg, while her left hand was hanging limply. Already after 2.5. months after starting the fruit and vegetable diet, mobility of the paralyzed leg and arm began to return, and one of the (vertebral) arteries was unclogged. After another 1.5. a month of diet, she could throw back the crutches and started walking alone, while back pain and atrophy of shoulder and arm muscles subsided. This diet also proved to be an effective method of treating its other ailments: overweight subsided, pressure normalized, high cholesterol normalized, uterine fibroids disappeared, and vision improved from 3 to 0.75 diopters. The sister works in the library every day and often returns to diet cure.
A woman aged 38 with multiple sclerosis
For three months she suffered from pains and weakness in the leg muscles, she could not even get up from a sitting position or go up the stairs. A blood test showed that muscle necrosis enzymes were more than normal. An attempt was made for a three-week treatment with a vegetable and fruit diet excluding intolerable vegetables, followed by an elimination diet (gluten, milk, egg, carrot and citrus). After the diet, there was a radical improvement, full leg muscle fitness returned, and all abnormal enzymes normalized. To this day, he adheres to a diet with the elimination of intolerant foods and often uses several days of fruit and vegetable diet. She is currently 23 years old, is healthy and completely physically fit.
A woman aged 38 with multiple sclerosis
In the course of autoimmune inflammation, i.e. Hashimoto's disease. She has high thyroid antibodies of the order of 1300 for 7 years. She also suffers from autoimmune tear gland inflammation, i.e. dry eye. For 4 years she has had paresis due to a wheelchair due to tick-borne encephalitis, or neuroborreliosis. She was hospitalized 60 times due to many ailments, including 30 times in the resuscitation ward. The reason for these hospitalizations was severe heartache after 2 heart attacks. The patient also suffered from hypertension, which reached 240/160. Other ailments include high cholesterol of 400 mg / dl, frequent bronchial and kidney infections, kidney stones, severe back pain syndrome. She accidentally learned about a fruit and vegetable diet, which she carried out 4 times for 6 weeks with a 3-week break, and also excluded intolerant gluten and milk. Thanks to this, there was a radical improvement: the thyroid, which was in decline, has recovered, there are no more thyroid antibodies, left-sided paresis has now subsided, it can now walk, dance, ride a bicycle; postoperative scars have become thin and almost invisible, there is no more heartache or shortness of breath, there is no dry eye syndrome anymore, she is crying while waiting, she is happy that she has tears already. The patient's vision improved by 4.5 diopters, and she never had kidney stones attacks or infections again. The patient has obtained full health, no longer takes medication, often returns to treatment with a vegetable and fruit diet, observes the elimination diet. The above observation lasts 8 years.
A 54-year-old patient with hypothyroidism and atrophy
For 10 years he suffered from severe knee pain after meniscus trauma and despite painkillers, blockades, and even endoscopic removal of granulation tissue from the knee joint, there was no improvement. In addition, he was even offered surgery to replace the joint with an artificial one. After using the fruit and vegetable diet, after two weeks of treatment he could walk normally and even play football, which was impossible before, and after 6 weeks of using the diet all pain subsided, the joint function returned, he lost 10 kg, (he was overweight ), the skin became velvety, it stopped flaking and cracking, hypertension and shortness of breath also disappeared. The patient has obtained full health, the observation lasts fifteen years.
Man, 33 years old
She suffered from severe food allergy, which was manifested in tearing after almost every meal. Even after eating flour or meat, it was accompanied by nagging itchy skin, headaches, and sometimes even swollen lips. She has always had irregular periods, even every 3 months. Due to chronic weakness, she had no strength to stand up or walk, and last month she was in bed, she had to take headache pills and anti-allergic drugs, including hormones, almost constantly, she was physically and mentally depressed. Until now, it has mainly eaten white bread and meat. After using a 6-week diet, there was a detoxification of the body, lost 10 kg (weighs 64 kg, with a height of 169 cm), expelled a lot of fecal stones and since then all the ailments subsided, she did not suffer more from itching, tearing or headaches , and menstruation became regular, the desire to live has returned, it does not require taking medication.
A woman of 26 years old