
Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska’s Diet®: The phenomenon of the self-healing body. How does the vegetable and fruit fasting work?

Everything you need to know about

Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska’s diet

A quarter of a century has passed since the release of Dr. Ewa

Dąbrowska’s most famous book. Now, the author of the

vegetable and fruit diet returns with a new publication,

enriched by the experiences of thousands of patients. For the

first time, she extensively presents the phenomenon of fasting

and self-healing mechanisms. She discusses the principles of

the vegetable and fruit diet in line with the latest scientific

discoveries. She also provides recommendations on how to

transition from fasting to a complete and balanced diet and

maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What are the causes of diseases that affect an increasing number of people?

What can be done to regain health rather than just mask symptoms?

What is the essence of natural prevention?

How to undergo fasting and avoid mistakes in the process?

… You will find out all of this from this book.

This book will kickstart a revolution

on your plate and in… your head


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Dr Dąbrowska NIE POLECA preparatów m.in.: DESPARAZIL, KETOMORIN, ACARDIN, czy diety KETO. Doktor nie namawia również nikogo do samodzielnego odstawiania leków.
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